Sunday, July 14, 2013

Yue Chan: 2nd post

On our second day, we embarked on a grand adventure touring the Boston Harbor. We started our journey at Long Wharf and headed south east. We soon passed Spectacle Island which was delightful to see really did resemble a pair of glasses. As the boat moved on, we passed Deer Island and saw in plain sight the towering wastewater treatment facilities shaped like Easter eggs. It was comforting to know a state-of-the-art sewage treatment facility was built to help prevent the pollution of Boston Harbor. Moving along, we passed the longest island, Long Island. The long stretch of trees, plants, and green was exciting to view. Next came Nixes Mate, a boat marker I learned was once used to hang pirates for display. The birds that perched on it and the indistinguishable black smudges on its walls sent an eerie chill down my spine. Our boat then sped along through The Narrows and we shimmied our way through Lovells Island and Gallops Island. In the distance we could see the Brewster Islands and the Boston Lighthouse, which we were informed were home to birds that avoided human contact. I hope to one day observe these birds! Our boat then landed on Georges Island, and from the boat we could see the Fort Warren. The historical usage of the island as a fort for multiple wars was fascinating. Not long after, our boat headed toward Peddocks Island aiming for Hull Gut. We learned here that Quincy Bay had some of the fastest moving waters due to the wind flowing in a different direction than the waters. Our boat soon chugged through Hull Gut and we were able to view beautiful homes on the beach side along Hull's coast. We then turned into Hingham Bay and passed Nut Island before soon reaching the Quincy Fore River Shipyard. Here we gazed on the large, formidable U.S.S. Salem. Its large cannons and war decor was quite awesome and unsettling to see. We stayed by Weymouth for a bit of time before we turned around to head back into Boston. On our way we learned about Cormorants, which we learned were one of the few species of birds to get their feathers wet and therefore become cold. We also learned that their presence therefore means there is usually fish nearby, such as striped bass. For me, this was the most fascinating tidbit of information and it was beautiful to see several of these dark, wet birds sitting on a nearby buoy squawking away. The promise of fish nearby and using these birds as an indicator was incredible to me. Overall, this was an educational journey that taught me both history and physical locations of the Boston Harbor Islands. 

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