Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 3

On day 3 of class we learned how to make observations. Bruce taught us how to clearly and effectively examine a section of land/water . We began by taking observations at the long wharf .

At the long wharf I made these observations :
- it was low tide
-clear water (3-5 feet visibility )
-rocks range from pebbles to sand
-rock weed along the wall
-green seaweed scattered
-inter tidal zone currently exposed
-soft-shell crabs
-seagull flying around
-hermit crabs
After observing near the Long Wharf dock we moved on over to a small dock near the Harbor Towers.Here we also observed many incredible species ,but this post will focus on my observations at the dock by The Barking Crab. As a side note, Professor Berman also spoke about the different conflicts that were associated with the construction of the Harbor Towers. We spoke a little bit about how much litigation goes into the permits for construction of buildings near the Harbor.

At the docks by the Barking Crab I observed :
Blue Mussels. There were a lot of them stuck to floaters under the dock and to ropes attached to the docks. These mussels are very popular around this area of the harbor.They were blue and black and the insides of them were very smooth.

I also saw green sea lettuce ,which was a very bright and shiny green. There was a lot of his type of species all over the docks.

Attached to almost everything we took out of the water were bay barnacles (which were small and attached themselves to the wall of the floaters and to other shells). They were a whitish and grayish color.

Attached to the mussel was a strange covering that felt very slimy. This we recognized as golden star tunicates. It was very nice to look at under a magnifying glass. Surrounding the stars was a slimy textured covering which was golden in color.

There was also a very stringy and red type if plant that we pulled out . In this red plant there were a lot of little bugs living in it. The closest identification we could find for this plant was bushy red weed. It was reddish and it had several leave sections to it.

Floating around the water we found ascophyllum mackaii(or so we believe) .This dark green/brownish plant has poppers at the end of every leaf. If the poppers are popped they just make a loud sounds, but that's about it. It was a lot of fun popping then.A common name for these is Rockweed

Finally at the end we found a small shell that appears to be very similar to morton's egg cockle . Although the outside was brown I think it was originally supposed to be white. It was about an inch long and the hinge was on the right side of the shell,which was shaped in an oval shape.

Overall day 3 was wonderful! I realized how there were so many different types if species that could live so close to each other. I am excited to see what other species we find next and if they seem to repeat in other locations!

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