Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Snails to Whales Intro


My name is Sarah Appleton. I am a Senior at Boston University studying Mechanical Engineering. Aside from school I have always been athletically focused. I have played on the Boston University Women's Ice Hockey team for the past four years. I have two older brothers and have grown up always curious about everything. My teamates and friends always comment on my numerous questions about everything. I love seeing how things work and discovering new things. I also have a large passion for the environment. I guess these two things have led me to come across this class. I am a huge hands-on, visual learner and was exstatic when I learned about all the exciting things we get to experience. I have gone to Cape Cod every summer and know beaches pretty well. When I was little, I was afraid of Hermit crabs. Granted, I was like 3 years old when I had this fear but still, Hermit crabs? I will say I have gotten over this fear but I feel like there is so much that I do not know about many of the inhabitants of the shoreline.

As far as the experiment is concerned:
I feel like people are always curious about the answer to the question about toilet flushing motions. I know I have been, especially since that Simpsons episode from my early childhood when Bart goes to Australia. Thinking about it like an engineer, I feel like it is about how the toilet or sink is designed. Given that this is a course about harbor wildlife I was a little skeptical and thought that it may be something more like gravitational pull. I looked around and found a site that I found most helpful http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/coriolis.html . Given that it is from the library of congress, I figured that it would be pretty reliable. It proves my original thoughts on the matter during the experiment. There were a couple of interesting facts about the Coriolis affects on large bodies of water in the hemispheres.

Well, that's all for now. See you all soon enough,
Sarah Appleton

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