Friday, July 30, 2010

"The Day In My Eyes!"

What a perfect day to cruise Boston Harbor! The temperature was just right for exploring the harbor on a cruise ship. As I began boarding the vessel, I noticed a salty ocean smell and eyed different variations of the color of the water which brought back memories of my mother tagging me along to check out yachts docked at the long wharf pier wanting to become one of the many boats available for charter thru the company she works for. All I could think about back then was, "yuck, can't wait to make it back to shore!" So, what I observed today cruising the harbor was a new appreciation for the cleaner waters of Boston and the many habitats therein. Shore lines consisting of sand and man made with rocks and boulders, seagulls swarming over sea bass, and the mixed use of the old buildings existing with new construction. Most impressive to me was the many islands and the way in which plant life had formed these unusual shapes, making them seem somewhat lifelike and having their own personality. Each island also had its own identity and/or purpose........ Deer Island and its extensive water treatment plant, to name a few. Well, can't wait until tomorrow to re-explore Boston Harbor!

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