Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hello Everyone,
In our delightful excusion around the docks my group (#1!) found many interesting little creatures. On our dock we noticed several different kinds of seaweeds. It seemed to be that the more green, leafy, perhaps more delicate, species of seaweed we on the west side of the dock. The more brown, tougher and hair-like species seemed to be more previlent on the east side. Could it be that because the boat was docked on the east side, the species that can withstand more water traffic and disruption are on that side? In any case, here are some of the seaweeds we saw...
after searching images of green leafy seaweeds, I believe this species is called Sea Lettuce.

2. Another seaweed that kept showing up was a brown, bulbus, branch-like species. It seemed to grow in the sunlight, as it did not appear in the second, shady spot we stopped at. I determined it must be ROCKWEED after searching various photos of brown seaweeds of encyclopedia britanica.
3. A third type of seaweed i saw was mossy green that darkened in the air. I noticed it all over the harbor.

We also observed several animals.
1. 1.The crab we saw doesn't fit the description or picture of any crab in the guide book or hitchhiker's guide. This leads me to believe it is a juvenial crab. I am still not sure what kind of baby crab it is, but it does have a similar body shape and habitat to the Lady Crab.

2.We noticed a large (comparitivly) open and empty, blue tinted double shell. I recognized it as a mussel, and after checking the guide book I confermed it was the Blue Mussel as it had the correct size, color, and habitat. We also noticed a little colony of smaller, living mussels or clams. The smaller ones were a little lighter in color, smoother, and more rounded. When I searched the guide book, I ruled out clams as most of their habitats seemed to be in the sand. Thus I infered that they too were baby mussels. I hypothesize they are also blue mussels because blue mussels usually live in large groups, so it would make sense a few were stuck together.

3. I also observed a brown muecusy membrane growing on a piece of seaweed. It had brown spheres with little lighter centers. Tiny "legs" were holding it on to the seaweed. I am not quite sure what this is. My first reaction was it must be some sort of egg sack for something. I still think this may be true, but it could also be a kind of bryozoan, one that is not in my guide.

4. the last animal I will mention is what at first looked to be a tiny lobster it was the size of my thumb nail, reddish, with a bit of a green tint on it's back and numerous little legs. After searching the guide book I believe it's a scud. found in the right area and the only animal that fit my description.

The orangish squishy thing we all saw pictures of seems to be a golden star tunicate. It's photo matches the photo we have, alomg with where it's found.

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