Thursday, July 29, 2010


here goes my introduction post:
my name is murat. i'm the one in the bright orange shirt :)
i am the friend-in-residence of two very funny cats, husband of an even funnier (and beautiful, and wonderful, and kind) woman, a photographer, 35-year young, and a real estate broker...not in that specific order.
i am finishing my undergrad studies in management next spring (there is always hope), and this entire back-to-school experience has been amazing(that is to say: fun, intriguing, frustrating, stress-inducing, and painful). i decided to take this class after hearing it was outdoors, fun, and on the beach! i have always wanted to learn more about the ocean, and i also thought that i could make it a photographic project, and document the experience(if the professor agreed:)

about the little experiment from my perspective:
i could swear that both the sink and the toilet swirled down clockwise! i have heard before about the direction of the water drain being different in northern and southern hemispheres, and immediately jumped on the occasion and related it to that phenomenon.
apparently, 'that' phenomenon is called the coriolis effect, first described by gustave-gespard coriolis in 1835. according to encyclopedia brittanica, is "an inertial force acting to the right of the direction of body motion for counterclockwise rotation of the reference frame or to the left for clockwise rotation." this in effect means that northern hemisphere should witness water draining (from sinks&toilets, per se) in a clockwise direction, southern hemisphere in a counter-clockwise direction, and the equator in a straight-down fashion. and apparently, this is what happens with large bodies of water(i.e. ocean), but not necessarily in a smaller basin such as a sink or toilet(this bit was from wikipedia). there are other factors that would supersede the coriolis effect in such a smaller-scaled environment, such as the temperature change, shape of the basin, and the direction/pressure of water entering the basin. thus, it seems like the entire toilet drain thing is an urban legend!
so my final answer on the state of australian bathrooms is yes. and no... both american and australian toilets may drain in the same direction, or the opposite direction, depending on the size and placement of the basin, as well as room temperature and air/water pressure.
looking forward to our first trip tomorrow!

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