Friday, July 30, 2010

Day Two Observations: Touring Boston Harbor

First I want to start off by saying how great everyone in the class seems. All ages and everyone working together on the "sink project", correcting exams and touring the harbor. Today was quite exciting for me. I hate to admit that I have taken Boston Harbor for granted living here all these years. I cannot believe how little I know about it. A beautiful summer day, perfect for touring the harbor. I noticed so many things I felt like a little kid, so excited to see everything! The salty sea air, a bit fishy smelling at first but clean once we actually got out into the harbor. Warm sun, between the clouds, on my face. Wind blowing in but not stopping me from taking many pictures of all the interesting sites. One thing I really noticed was the mixture of man-made and nature created things co mingling. On George's Island there is Fort Warren that was used during the Civil War for training purposes and then as a prison for Confederate soldiers. You can just see the foliage growing up all around it. The delicate smaller islands that just seem to be floating on the water like large green or brownish cushions, the larger ones like Deer Island with all of the new technology for energy or sewage treatment plants. Did you notice the lighthouse out on an island with one house and that was it? Old and new all side by side everywhere you looked. Quite fantastic!
I am looking forward to our next adventure tomorrow. As far as the question Prof. Berman wanted us to address, I only heard one if there were more I apologize. How many different kinds of habitats did I see? I wanted to get this right so I went to wikipedia and looked up the exact description. I won't take anything for granted after "the draining" discussions. Here is what I found. "A habitat (which is Latin for "it inhabits") is an ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by a particular species of animal, plant or other type of organism.[1][2] It is the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds (influences and is utilized by) a species population"
I going to just go with I'm not sure. It seems almost infinite. The water is a habitat, I am thinking separated into the shore, the Intertidal Zone found on the man-made walls on the harbor and places like Logan Airport and the main bay area itself. The islands are each their own habitats, and within them smaller habitats. Well, you know where I'm going with this. Prof. Berman you told us today that you wanted us to make our own observations and be confident in our observations. These are mine.
Mary D
PS - Sorry the pictures didn't come out on the blog the way I wanted them too! Bear with me.

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