Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 2 Observations

Hi Everyone,

Today was our first day really out of the classroom and out on the harbor and I really enjoyed it. I have never traveled around Boston harbor to that extent before and it is much easier now to understand the layout and the characteristics of the harbor after seeing it in person. I had no idea there were so many untouched islands so close to such a populated industrial area and that was quite impressive to me. I found the most interesting part of the day to be when we discussed the treatment facility and how it came to be. It is amazing to think that not too long the harbor was a completely different place. I am grateful for all the work that has been put into this clean up and happy to reap the benefits with a beautiful day out on the water. One of the most impressive things to me was that when we were near the treatment facility for the fertilizer there was no sign of smell or waste at all. That came as a pretty big surprise to me.

Aside from the clean up I was happy to see the different bays and get a better idea of their design/layout of the harbor. Seeing Hull in particular and learning about the Hull Gut gave me more insight on the nature of the ocean and its biodiversity. I also grew jealous of the people who get to go to school in such a beautiful location. It is impressive that the windmills located there are able to supply so much power to the town as well. I look forward to getting an opportunity to explore some of these islands up close and gain a better knowledge of the activity on them.

In addition to our time on the boat I felt I learned quite a bit on our walk afterwards. I have spent some time in that area in the past and I never knew the history of those long buildings, why they were there, or that most of the land we were on that day was placed there by man. Looking at all of that now it makes sense that they were built as part of the shipping world before the land was filled in - but I do not think many people walking the streets in that area have any idea this is the case.

See you all tomorrow,
Katie Concannon

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