Thursday, July 29, 2010

Personal Introduction

Hi Everyone,

My name is Akshat Jain and after the summer I am going to be an undergraduate senior at Boston University. I am from New Delhi, India and I have been in Boston for three years now. I decided to come to Boston as it is one of my four favorite cities in the world.

I am an economics major and I currently work as a Financial Analyst at Boston University's Facilities Management and Planning. For the ones who are unaware, FM&P manages and controls all of BU inside out.

I took this class because I have always been interested in science since my young school days. I think that this course provides a unique opportunity to experience science in a manner I never have before (extensive field research) and especially in a matter of only 7 days. Also, this class fulfills my requirement of a course in natural sciences or humanities. Honestly, I prefer Natural Sciences over Humanities as I would rather spend my time researching and experimenting than sitting for hours in a long lecture with a low learning curve. Well, so that's why I am here!

As far as the ocean is concerned, I am not a very big fan as I do not know how to swim. I am a little scared about going into oceans and rivers. However, if I have a life jacket and I know that I am completely safe, then I have no problems with deep water. In fact, I love white water rafting as a fun adventurous activity. The one thing I love about oceans is the bio-diversity underneath. I am a big fan of coral reefs and I love the serenity and beauty of the reefs and the animals who survive there.

Akshat Jain

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