Wednesday, August 6, 2008

entry 8/4/2008

Helen Chang
Harbor Cruise

We poked around the water during low tide and i could feel that the seaweed in this part of the water texture was different than the ones found on the dock at Barking Crab. It had a silky texture and was very soft. The pieces were darker colored however it could be because they were wet and weren't laid out ot dry. The seaweed in this area were mostly dark brownish colors with differet shades.
Besides finding perwinkles i found a tiny crab. It was about one inch in length. It has strip like features on its shell almost resembling a tiger. I think it was dead already becuase it looked like it was its two claws and it was very easy to pick up. Looking at the guidebook it most resembled to the purple shore crab.
After being instructed to bring two perwinkles on land, i picked up two that were a quarter an inch in diameter. In the water the shell was very dark but as they got torched in the heat, their shells began to turn more grayish and one could see little speckles of white in the shells. After poking the inside a bit with a pencil i was able to conclude that they had a pretty hard outer layer that sucks to rocks in the tide pool. Also the shell seem to hold water very well because after examing the shell for a couple minutes I then started to poke the inside of it and it shrunk further into the shell but i saw that water was still visable to the eye. It seem to be similiar to the common periwinkle because it seems to have similiar habitat, and descriptions as the guidebook.

The second part of the trip we were able to look for land snails. At first they were hard to find because we were at the top of the hill and it was probably too dry for many of them to be in that area. However once we were near the end of the hill they were much easier to find. They aparantly like to be upside down on the leaves and so once we were looking at the other side of the leaves they were more find able. The most interesting thing I observed while looking for empty shells were that most of hte shells seem to have the tip of the shell be broken off. Probably because it was eaten by its prey.

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