Friday, July 31, 2009

Assignment #1: Introduction and Water Flow

Hi everyone! My name is Nick Pinheiro. I was born and raised in Weymouth, Massachusetts and have lived in New England all my life. I am currently a senior here at Boston University’s Metropolitan College working towards my Undergraduate Degree in Management Studies with a concentration in Electronic Commerce. I worked full-time here at the University for the majority of my undergraduate studies in the Department of Information Systems, Planning and Support (ISPS) as a Web Developer. I am currently the Senior Web Developer for NetScout Systems, Inc., a software development company headquartered in Westford, MA. I actually began my college career as a Pre-Med student at the University of South Florida however quickly found my love for computers and converted. I plan to complete my Undergraduate degree and continue on to pursue a Masters in Computer Information Systems here at Boston University. This is my final undergraduate class!

I am interested in the ocean because I spent the majority of my childhood near or on the water. For as long as I can remember my family has had a 20ft. Glastron boat which still today we take out every summer for a number of trips. Obviously many of these trips also included fishing which has always been a huge hobby of my father that he has now passed down to all three of his sons. With many years of fishing under our belts, we have brought up a number of living things from under the surface of the water which definitely were not fish. Not to mention the assortment of fish which we have brought up which I’ve never really known enough to distinguish certain types from others. Even though this course is my final requirement and class, I’m really interested in learning more about what lives below the water and how they live.

After extensive research online I found that the question regarding ‘which direction water flows on the other side of the world’ has been associated with a bit of an urban legend. The legend basically states that water spins in different directions on opposite sides of the hemisphere. In many references this has also been placed in relation to the Coriolis Effect. The Coriolis Effect defined states that objects spin at different direction when viewed from a rotating point of reference. However the forces of the effect are so small that they are only able to affect large things such as masses of air. Therefore as I have encountered many conflicting statements on this topic, my answer based on the research I have done is: the direction the water in a sink or toilet moves is simply based on the way water is pushed or pulled from them. I have come to this answer from information included in the following sources:,

Nick Pinheiro

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