Friday, July 12, 2013

First Class- Coulter Bailey

My name is Coulter Bailey, and I have lived in Greenwich, CT my whole life. I transferred to BU from Denison University in Ohio, and have enjoyed it ever since. I'm in Metropolitan College, and really like that I can work and go to school at the same time allowing me to be very busy, and have a full schedule.

I have been going to Nantucket my whole life, and I love the ocean. I enjoy fishing, swimming, and everything there is to do on the water. I did an Outward Bound program where I kayaked through the Puget Sound for a week, and it was an unbelievable experience. I saw some awesome marine life, and look to see more in this class.

When I first heard about this class, I thought it would be very interesting, and fun to take. I mean going on the water for 6 days and learning about the ocean? Sounds perfect to me. Also, I need to fulfill a Science requirement and this seemed like a great way to do it.

Today in the bathroom, my group did a water experiment to determine whether water drains in a sink clockwise or counterclockwise. We did the experiment twice, and had very similar results. The first time, we plugged the sink, filled it up, and watched the water drain. We all agreed we saw the water drain clockwise. We did the experiment exactly the same way one more time, and agreed we saw the same thing: the water draining clockwise.

After doing research, I have determined that it depends on how the water was introduced into the drain so it can flow either clockwise or counterclockwise no matter what hemisphere the drain is in. The Coriolis Effect, which is "the observed curved path of moving objects relative to the surface of the Earth," ( does not affect small bodies of water like sinks or toilets. But, the Coriolis Effect does affect such things as hurricanes because they are much larger, and move counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere, and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. This is also because of the Earth's rotation.

So, in conclusion, the water's flow is determined by the drains themselves, and not the Coriolis Effect, as a drain or toilet is too small to be affected by the Coriolis Effect.

1 comment:

Bruce Berman said...

Nice work - though I did ask for three sources... but still, good job!

