Today in class we discussed sustainability with
respect to the striped bass. We discussed how sustainability is the goal of
regulations, but compromise and disagreements about the right course of action
make any real change difficult to achieve. We then discussed the reading on
Voodoo Science and The Tragedy of the Commons. I felt that the Voodoo Science
chapter was easily understood and helped to convey the importance of peer
review in scientific studies, and fraud usually is the result of skipping this
important step. The reading about the Tragedy of the Commons was more difficult
to understand, but after we discussed it in class I was able to understand the
core concept: that people cannot figure out how to act in the interest of the
common because people are more inclined to act in their own self-interest;
therefore we all lose. The writer contends that the two ways to get people to
act in ways that are not in their own self-interest are through education and
legislation. The striped bass’ numbers got very low because it had not been
regulated, but now the population is looking to be more sustainable.
After class we went to the Downtown Waterfront
Municipal Harbor Planning Advisory Committee meeting. We heard presentations
concerning the future of The Marriott Long Wharf, the Long Wharf (the public
area), and the New England Aquarium. It was nice to see how many busy people
care so much about the future of the Boston Harbor that they were able to make
a meeting in the early afternoon on a Wednesday. The presentations were given
and people were able to ask questions and to voice their concerns. The first
presentation was from Yanni Tsipis, the Senior Vice President of Colliers
International who was advocating for the Marriott Long Wharf activation
Project. I personally found his presentation to be interesting because he gave
a lot of historical background on the Long Wharf, beginning around the time of
the Second World War. I had always thought the Marriott had an interesting
design, which I attributed to an architect’s unique vision; however, the
building was specifically designed in that way for security. Apparently, the
Long Wharf was a “gritty” area, so the Marriott was designed to provide
“interior safety from outside dangers” in the sketchy area. The presentation by
Dick Mulligan seemed to be more vague than the preceding one, but he, too,
spoke about trying to open up the Long Wharf area so it could be more easily
accessed by the public and help tourism in the area. The last presentation on
the proposed renovations for the aquarium seemed like it would also contribute
to the aesthetics of the area; however, it would cost between $25 and $30
million. I feel that the open forum for the planning
meetings helps to keep the public aware of what is happening in their community
and also provides an easily accessible way to ask questions and voice their
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