Tuesday, July 17, 2012


It was 08:50 AM and high tide when we left the dock  to George Island.  In the way to this island we had the chance to see the leisure boats crisscrossing the waters and many birds flying overhead in a clear sky. We also saw the lobster traps, which according to the professor represent a business of 30 million dollar a year.
After a quick stop at George Island we arrived at Peddocks Islands around 09:00 AM.  This is an island with different types of landscape. We encountered tall trees such as the invasive blackberries and several animals brought by man. We than reached a rocky beach with crescent shape and a wrack line.  This line is created by light materials such as plastics, glasses, and crab shells, which are pushed ashore by the tide.  As we continue our exploitation we came across a part of the beach that has dark and rich soil. We continue to a part of the beach with different characteristics. The vegetation was different and the soil was full of different types of shells such as mussel shells, soft shells clams, razor clams and fouling organisms.     
Towards the middle of the island we came across a mud flood area where we observed small creatures such as tinny crabs, periwinkles and fishes, which were very hard to spot in the muddy water.  The professor then explained about the periwinkles phenomena:  this specie is in part responsible for the sandy beach of the island as they eat alleges and then defecate the sand contained on the alleges.
Later on we had the opportunity to observe many crabs which were hidden under the rocks and the professor took the time to explain how to differentiate male from female crabs.
As the tide went down, the beach gained another contour, which contributes for better habitat for the wharf crabs.
It was an amazing spectacle.


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