Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lovells Island
The weather was perfect today for another adventure to one of Boston Harbor Islands, Lovells Island. It was cloudy with spotty showers, but we were predicting some rain and thunderstorm. We boarded at 9 am, and stopped at Georges Island. There we were told that the trip to Lovells Island was canceled due to bad weather. However, we got lucky as VCR sent us a boat which took us to the Lovells Island. I would like to thanks VCR and ABIGAL boat crew, because without them we wouldn’t make it to the island.
Lovells Island is a beautiful island with a lot of tide pools and interesting habitat. One side of the island has a nice white sandy beach but as we walked further the shore became rocky pebbles covered with seaweeds.
Professor Bruce told us to explore more of what was inside of the tide pools. We found a lot of similar species that we had found on the other places that we visited before. We could identify blue mussel, green crabs, barnacles, rockweed, green algae, hermit crabs, and periwinkles. We also found some periwinkles with different colors which we had not seen at the other places we visited. Their colors varied from white to orange. We looked up their names in our book guide and they are both called Rough Periwinkles. Lovells Island’s marsh is more alive and greener comparing to Peddocks Island.
After exploring the tide pools, we walk through the Lovells Island’s vegetation. There we found some terrestrial snails, which have 4 antennas and they were hanging on the trees and under the leaves. We also saw a lot of red and black berries and they were very tasty. Our journey ended up around 1:10pm, we took the boat back to Georges Island and then to Boston.

The 3 questions
  1. 1.      How many kinds of periwinkles did you see?

          I saw 2 kinds of periwinkles; rough periwinkle, and common periwinkle.
  1. 2.      What kind of snails did we see?

          We only saw one kind of snail: the terrestrial snail.
  1. 3.      How do those snails got to the big rock on the shore?

         In my opinion, those terrestrials snails were transported to the rocks by the sea birds which eat them.

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