Saturday, July 28, 2012

Back to Basses

Prof. Berman gutted a fish today that was almost hunted to extinction.  That it survives and was available for purchase is a testament to how people can get together to preserve the commons.  Striped bass was the first fish to be protected by law in the United States and the first fish to be taxed.  Even so, overfishing and habitat destruction led to an alarming decrease in its numbers.  The states on the Eastern Seabord where striped bass can be found got together and hammered out a management plan that included a complete ban on striped bass fishing for five years.  Its numbers have since rebounded.

Prof. Berman sliced and diced our fish, showing us how to properly prepare fillets and giving us an opportunity to observe the anatomy of the fish.  We were offered sashimi (I declined) and ceviche, which I reluctantly tried.  We also took a piece of the fish home to prepare in whatever way we chose.

I want to thank Prof. Berman for an inspiring and interesting class.  I learned a lot about Boston Harbor and had a great time doing it.

Cutting out the fillets

The guts of the striped bass

Fillets of other small fish in the stomach of the striped bass

Pieces for us to take home

I added some masala powder to mine and fried it

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