Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Something's fishy

I never knew a striped bass can grow to be so huge and delicious (yum yum!). We were at the food laboratory at BU this morning to see how Prof Berman cut up his catch. Of course, we were still having a class, so we were supposed to examine the outer and inner parts of the striped bass that Prof Berman caught from Charles Rivers, the brackish water.

The blood was oozing out when Prof Berman got into its flesh to cut out the fillet. It showed how fresh the fish was. We also had the chance to touch and feel the sharp teeth, tongue, eyeball, gill cover (4 gills were counted), liver and all other parts that most people wouldn't have the chance to do so if you were not a fisherman. From its intestines, some remnants of yesterday's meal were observed: crab and squid. While some of the students were busy 'torturing' the fish, the other side of the table saw Prof Berman and other students helping to prepare a delectable fare of sashimi. Being an Asian, eating sushimi is nothing special to me, but this was the first time that I witnessed myself the entire process from cutting to serving. It simply added on to the sensation that I was eating fresh fish literally.

Now I am smelling something fishy from this session... we have to get ourselves involved in the longtime tension between commercial and recreational fishing this Friday.

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