Sunday, August 3, 2014

Whale Watch.... The Unexpected Experience


Hello All!

I woke up on Friday extremely excited about the whale watch field trip as I had never experienced one and I had always wanted to see a whale up and close. Unfortunately, the trip was not as I expected it to be but the end result made it unforgettable.

Everything started when we boarded the Catamaran. This boat was definitely much faster than all the other boats we have boarded in the past (pictures above). The weather was pleasant, but the wind did not help the boat ride. As we started to go deep into the ocean, the boat was going against the tide and current and the movements of the boat caused me to get seasick. Lets just say the feeling during our ride to meet the whales was not enjoyable. I tried to pay attention to our surroundings and the tour lady who was talking about the whales and where we were, but unfortunately I was not able to give my full attention due to the circumstances. Here is what I was able to learn and observe:

The whales migrate to the Boston area during the summer and they locate themselves in one of the most unique parts of the ocean called the Stellwagen Bank Marine Sanctuary. The water around the sanctuary is greener than all the other surrounding ocean areas as there is greater amount of vegetation in the bottom of it.

All the whales we saw were Humpback whales. Sometimes they would emerge together, while at other times they would emerge separately. One of the whale's name was North Star. The tour lady announcing and teaching us about them mentioned a couple of  other names as they have identify them to learn about each and follow their lives as the years go by. 

I learn that when the whale goes down into the ocean and its tail is shown (pictures below), they are diving to obtain food. They stay submerge for about 3 to 4 minutes and then they come back up. 


This beautiful specie can grow to about 50 feet and they can weight about 35 to 40 tons per what I was able to learn. I also observed that the whales I saw were black and had some white on them, which are characteristics that identify them. Moreover, their tails are also used to identify them as they can have different marks and color distinctions. 

Another interesting fact that I learn was that this whales make "footprints". This prints have a circular form and one can notice the difference on the "texture" of the water which help us located them when they are underwater.

The trip back was much more pleasant as the boat was going with the current and the ginger candy that Professor Berman gave to those who were not feeling well helped a lot. Even though the experience was not what I was expecting, but then again life is full of surprises, the trip in general was worth it. I was able learn about these creatures and observe their temporary habitat in a manner where Discovery Channel can not teach.

Well my friends I hope everyone has a a great rest of the week and I will see you all on Friday.

Daniela Baeza-Prepetit

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