Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hello Harbor Class!

My name is Hilary Katulak and I am a rising senior at Simmons College studying marketing and public relations. Originally, I am from Mattituck Long Island. My family relocated to Gloucester, Massachusetts a little while ago and although it’s beautiful, I have never lost that connection with Long Island and its coast.

This year I will be starting graduate school at Simmons as part of an integrated accelerated degree program.This being said, I feel like life, for me at least, has suddenly started moving along at a rapid pace. Thus, it is really important to find things that are relaxing and a break from everyday reality. This is why I have always felt a connection with the water I guess. Luckily, I have always been fortunate enough to live on the coast, and thus, have been involved with water recreation (such as competitive swimming and water polo) for most of my life.

To say it simply, as cheesy as it comes across, I feel a connection with the water. That is what I love about the ocean, a simple (maybe even silly) construct that I have created, a connection and passion for the way the water makes me feel. To be honest, I have never really enjoyed science, but I am excited to take this class not only because it fulfills my science requirement in a fun and interesting way, but also, I get to gain a different perspective about my favorite element. I know this post is probably longer than most of you are willing to read, for that, I am sorry, but I am very excited to meet all of you and can’t wait to for class to really begin!


Hilary Katulak

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